Guyana gets green light for Readiness Preparation Plan

The Agriculture Ministry said the World Bank has approved Guyana’s request for the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) to perform the services of delivery partner for its participation in the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), the focal point of which is the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC). 

Minister Persaud during his meeting with the IDB Mission

The requests for piloting the Multiple Delivery Partners’ Initiative, in order to coordinate the FCPF framework and provide guidelines for the formulation of the Readiness Grants, are in keeping with Resolution PC 7/ 2010/ 4 of the Seventh Participants Committee meeting of the FCPF, held in Washington D. C. The Agriculture Ministry stated in a release that, in Guyana’s proposal to have the IDB as delivery partner, it was highlighted that the in-country resources of the IDB office will support the range of technical and administrative requirements needed for implementing the FCPF. That release also pointed out that, with the IDB as the Delivery Partner for the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF), there will be opportunities for synergy in technical and administrative oversight and implementation. 

As part of this process, several preparatory steps are currently being taken by the management team of the FCPF, including discussions on ways to approach matters relating to safeguards, logistical details, and other relevant issues. 

Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud, under whose purview the GFC falls, met with Senior Natural Resources Specialist of the IDB in Washington, Eirivelthon Lima, to advance discussion on the FCPF. Along with representatives of the IDB Guyana Office, representatives of the IDB in Washington are currently in Guyana to discuss Guyana’s Readiness Preparation Proposal and other related projects. 

“Guyana has already done extensive work in preparing its Readiness Preparation Proposal for the FCPF, and will continue this work with the IDB with the aim of (facilitating) smooth implementation,” the release stated. In his meeting with the IDB Mission, Minister Persaud made a call for timely and effective implementation of the FCPF. The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility is a programme under the purview of the World Bank, and it helps to prepare countries to access forest carbon financing. It came about as a result of the international debate and dialogue on climate change. 

The first step under the process is the preparation and submission of a Readiness Plan Idea Note (RPIN). Guyana’s RPIN was approved in June 2008, leading on to the Readiness Preparation Plan (RPP). 

Notably, Guyana was one of the first countries to submit and obtain approval for its RPP. Several revisions were done to both Guyana’s Readiness Preparation Plan and its Readiness Preparation Proposal (RPP) to incorporate stakeholders’ concerns. Preparation activities under the latter process are geared towards sustainable forest management, forest conservation, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.


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